New Book Offers Men 10 Tips to Cope with Mental Health Emergencies

Media Contact: Dr. Sally Spencer-Thomas

Title: President, United Suicide Survivors International | (cell) 720-244-6535


New Book Offers Men 10 Tips to Cope with Mental Health Emergencies


DENVER (April 20, 2022) — Each year roughly 80% of people who die by suicide in the United States are male. Most of the men who die by suicide only have one attempt, and it’s fatal – most have never accessed mental health services. Peer support can often make the difference between life and death. Today, United Suicide Survivors International (United Survivors) announces the publication of the fourth and last book in a series to help support men’s mental health, “Guts, Grit & The Grind: A MENtal Mechanics MANual – 10 Advanced Mechanical Tips to Repair and Overhaul after a Breakdown” edited by Sally Spencer-Thomas Psy.D., Sarah Gaer, MA, and Frank King. For more information on the book series:

Increasingly from first responders to construction workers to our service members, many men are prioritizing their mental health. This book gives men actionable tools to face tough times and can be used as a stand-alone self-help guide or as something to augment therapy.

Volume 4 of Guts, Grit & The Grind covers mental health emergencies many men face including the emotional intensity resulting from difficult breakups, trauma, addictive behaviors, untreated mental health conditions and suicide. At the heart of the book are the personal and powerful stories of over 20 courageous men that inspire readers. The foreword is written by Dr. John Draper, Director of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and several stories are shared by national suicide prevention leaders, such as Kevin Hines, the man who survived a jump off the Golden Gate Bridge.

Throughout the book series the analogy of car maintenance helps highlight the importance of being proactive in taking care of your mental health. The format is like an automobile owner’s manual, using car metaphors many men can relate to like “preventative maintenance” and why diagnostics tests can lead to problem-solving. In this volume, readers are encouraged to heed the “CHECK ENGINE!” light of emotional intensity that increases during a crisis and to develop a roadmap to help them seek the support of a professional “mental mechanic” when times are tough.

Volumes 1, 2 and 3 of the Guts, Grit & The Grind book series also share the stories, science and strategy of men’s mental health with different areas of emphasis and are available on Amazon. All books in the series are a blend of a “Chicken Soup for the Man’s Soul” and a therapist’s workbook.

“There is nothing in this world more powerful to a hurting heart or exhausted soul than a story that tells us that we are not alone in our struggles and that highlights the path of hope,” said Sarah Gaer, trauma expert and co-editor of the book series. “Guts, Grit & The Grind does just that. It is peer support for men in a manual.”

“Mental health emergencies can be life threatening, and we need to take them seriously,” said Dr. Sally Spencer-Thomas, President of United Suicide Survivors International, survivor of her brother’s suicide and co-editor of the book series. “This book can help empower men to save their own lives. Some companies we work with are buying copies for the men in their workforce as well as for the women with a man in their lives.”

“As a Suicide Prevention Speaker my job is to start the conversation on the struggles those of us living with mental health challenges face,” said Frank King, Mental Health Comedian and co-editor of the book series. “I’m excited about Volume 4 of Guts, Grit & The Grind because it will continue to do the same, long after I’m gone. It gives me something. I never thought I’d leave behind a legacy.”

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Webster Bailey, Dr. Ted Bonar, Joanna Bridger, Rudy Caseres, Lt. (Ret) John Coppedge, 1st Sgt. (Ret.) Tomas (Tom) Cruz, Dr. John Draper, Rob England, Dr. Gerardo González, Kevin Hines, Jason Holzer, Carson Richards, Joshua “Josh” Rivedal, Chip Roberts, Chief Nathan Stoermer, Cameron “Cam” Stout, J.D., Eduardo Vega, Mike Veny, Juan Vigil, Seth Watkins, Sam Webb, and Brett “Zach” Zachman

CHAPTERS of Guts, Grit & The Grind: A MENtal Mechanics MANual – 10 Advanced Mechanical Tips to Repair & Overhaul after a Breakdown include: Chapter 1: Crash into You — Breakups and Fights; Chapter 2: Spinning Out of Control with Addiction; Chapter 3: Time to Call the Tow Truck — Reaching Out When You Break Down; Chapter 4: When Trauma Runs You Off the Road; Chapter 5: Suicide — A Complete System Breakdown 


To learn more, please visit and follow along on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, Pinterest, YouTube and LinkedIn. The book (or eBook) is available on Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

Media Contact:
Sally Spencer-Thomas, | 720-244-6535

●      NOTE: Several of our contributors are available to provide interviews

A portion of the proceeds benefits the 501(c) 3 nonprofit United Suicide Survivors International.


United Suicide Survivors International is an independent international organization that serves as a home for people who have experienced suicide loss, suicide attempts and suicidal thoughts and feelings, and their friends and families — collectively known as people with lived experience with suicide. Our goal is to leverage their expertise for large scale change. For more information, visit or follow along on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.


VIDEO: John's Story "Flash Rage"

John Mew is one of the storytellers in the "Guts, Grit & The Grind" book series on men's mental health. In this video clip, he shares about his traumatic experience in the military impacted him, and how he has come to serve others as part of his healing journey. John's story is in Volume 3 of "Guts, Grit & The Grind," which will be published on April 6, 2021.