MEDIA RELEASE Second of Four Innovative Books on Men’s Mental Health Announces Launch August 16th

The Stories, Science and Strategy to Help Men Build and Maintain a Life Worth Living

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DENVER (August 6, 2020) — Today United Suicide Survivors International (United Survivors) announces the publication of the second book in a series to help support men’s mental health, “Guts, Grit & The Grind: A MENtal Mechanics MANual - Advanced Mechanics in Preventative Maintenance” edited by Sally Spencer-Thomas Psy.D., Sarah Gaer, MA and Frank King and published by BDI Publishers. The book officially launches on August 16, 2020 with pre-orders available now on Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

Increasingly, guys are embracing the fact that mental health is an important part of men’s health. This self-help book gives men the tools to increase the psychological hardiness they need to face tough times. Readers will be inspired by stories of resilience and transformation.

A blend of a “Chicken Soup for the Man’s Soul,” and a therapist’s workbook, Guts, Grit & The Grind is a collection of men’s stories of coping with trauma, addiction, depression and more. The format is like an automobile owner’s manual, using car metaphors many men can relate to in "preventative maintenance.”

“When life gets stressful, the first things to go are often those ‘non-urgent and important’ parts of our lives -- the things that keep us well,” said Sally Spencer-Thomas, psychologist and co- editor, “This book reminds guys to keep these action steps front and center.”

“Many books are written by remarkable people, but Guts, Grit, & The Grind is a collection of essays from regular guys who have remarkable wisdom they’ve gained through lived experiences or professional expertise,” says Peter Dudley, one of the storytellers in the series. ”I hope these books show that the unwritten rules of manhood aren’t actually rules, and that strength comes not from bearing the unbearable but from sharing the unsharable. The vulnerability in these essays makes mental health approachable and discussable. I hope it gives people in distress a light in the fog.”

“As a former NFL player, I know what happens when tough guys try to power their way through

emotional challenges. It just doesn’t work,” says Dwight Hollier, former linebacker for the Miami

Dolphins and Indianapolis Colts and current Senior Associate Athletics Director for the

University of North Carolina. Guts, Grit & The Grind gives men another pathway through their


"The difference between hard times and unbearable times is often believing you are alone in

your pain," said Sarah Gaer, co-editor of Guts, Grit & The Grind. "By walking alongside our

courageous storytellers, readers feel the healing power of men sharing their experiences and

lessons learned."

“Being from the South, an area of the US where people take great joy in sharing oral history, as

entertainment, as well as education, I understand the power of storytelling, especially among

men,” reflects co-editor and comedian Frank King. “Guts, Grit & The Grind has tapped that

power, featuring stories of the struggles of men, by men, for men, emphasizing most

importantly, how these men are coping.”

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Sean Adam, Bart Andrews, Ph.D., Dr. Dennis Archambault,

Johnnie Calloway, Peter Dudley, Efrem Epstein, Brendan Fitzgerald, Glenn Freezeman, Guy

Giard, Mark Jon Gottschalk, Dwight Hollier, Gabe Howard, Einar Jensen, Paul Lavalee, John

Marx, Jerry Meddock Jr., Rick Strait, Joe Williams.

CHAPTERS of Guts, Grit & The Grind: A MENtal Mechanics MANual: Advanced Mechanics in Preventative Maintenance include: Chapter 1: Find Your “Classic Car Club” Community; Chapter 2: Family is Your Pit Crew; Chapter 3: Friends Refuel Us; Chapter 4: Tune Up with Total Wellness; Chapter 5: Making Meaning and Zen Motorcycle Maintenance.

ISBN-10: 1946637084; ISBN-13: 978-1946637086

To learn more, please visit and follow along on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, Pinterest, YouTube and LinkedIn. The book (or eBook) is available on Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

Media Contact:
Susan J. Farese, SJFCommunications - Phone: 408-398-5940

A portion of the proceeds benefits the 501(c) 3 nonprofit United Suicide Survivors International.

United Suicide Survivors International is an independent international organization that serves as a home for people who have experienced suicide loss, suicide attempts and suicidal thoughts and feelings, and their friends and families — collectively known as people with lived experience with suicide. Our goal is to leverage their expertise for large scale change. For more information, visit or follow along on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.


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DeQuincy's Story -- A Choice to Make Meaning

Dr. DeQuincy Lezine is one of the storytellers in volume one of “Guts, Grit & The Grind," a book series akin to a “Chicken Soup for the Man’s Soul.” DeQuincy is a psychologist, a suicide attempt survivor and a professional speaker. He focuses on post-traumatic growth after a suicide crisis. "I think it's really unique to have such a collection of men sharing their stories...things that are open, authentic, vulnerable...and how you transform that into strength..."

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"In sharing my story, I hope it will encourage share their story...The feelings you have and think about, you might imagine 'no one else has experienced this. There must be something wrong with me because I think this way.'....You are not alone."

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